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Corporate & M/A

The Law Firm Chiaramonte offers consulting services in corporate law, with particular reference to mergers and acquisitions between companies and businesses in general.

These transactions often have a degree of complexity, for example in relation to preparation of the strategy, preparation of master agreements, execution of the steps necessary to achieve the ultimate goals, tax planning and financial, preparation of corporate documents needed to enforce the agreements. All of these activities requiring constant commitment as well as a coordinated team of professionals with expertise in various areas of law and corporate taxation.

In this perspective, Chiaramonte law firm carries out its assistance activities complementing the work of dedicated professionals with expertise of external financial and tax advisors, in order to ensure the best level of protection.

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In questa sezione è concessa all'utente la possibilità di richiedere un primo parere senza impegno di denaro e tempo. A tal fine, usi l'apposito spazio riportato descrivendo la sua vicenda e fornendo quanti più dettagli possibile. In tal modo, potrà ricevere una legal opinion sulla situazione e conoscere le eventuali soluzioni alle sue problematiche.

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